



Featured Author Colin D. Mallard

January’s Featured Author is Colin D. Mallard, author of Uncommon Reason: A Novel of Peace in a Time of Conflict, Turmoil, and Terror.

We thought it was very apropos to feature an author who’s ideals tell a tale to transform the individual, a nation, and a world. As Howard Zinn noted after reading Mr. Mallard’s book, “This novel does something unusual—it presents an imaginary situation which can give us hope because it indicates what is necessary, even suggesting [what is] possible, in these desperate times.”

And so, as a people, as a nation, here we are--in a time of hope during desperate times--with the upcoming inauguration on January 20, 2009, of President Obama as our 44th President of the United States of America.

We wanted to parallel Barack Obama’s The Audacity of Hope (Copyright © 2006 by Barack Obama, published by Crown Publishing Group) with Colin’s fictitious President Tremaine. David Tremaine is the most unlikely of characters to lead the most powerful free nation in the world. Why? He never expects to be drawn into a global scenario of intrigue, corruption, war, and terror. He’s ill equipped to lead a nation from the positions of force and violence. It is uncommon reason, compassion, principles of love, selfless service, and peace that are his strengths to lead. As President Tremaine draws from his own spiritual well of wisdom, he imbues the nature of leadership: a President of the United States that is a servant of the people, by the people, and for the people.

This month we honor this author, Colin D. Mallard, for his great far vision of what is possible. Over four decades ago, this author asked himself, “What leads a man to violence and beyond to peace?”

This month we honor the inauguration of President Barack Obama for his far vision of what is possible.

We hope you enjoy reading Uncommon Reason, a story of hope and enlightenment by author Colin D. Mallard.

Click here for the Author's additional Commentary. >


Author Colin D. Mallard - Uncommon Reason

Colin D. Mallard, author
"Uncommon Reason"


Featured Authors - 2009

January/February - Colin D. Mallard

May - Karen Wright

August - Gary Calderone




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